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Fees 2023/2024

Fees will be collected on two dates - in June 2023 and January 2024.


Tuition fee for family (per semester):


One child £190.00

Two children £320.00

Three children £400.00

Four children £470.00

Every next child +£60.00


Additional fee for each child in examination classes (IV, AL1 and A2): £10.00


Together with the first fee, a contribution to the Polish School Association, to which the school belongs, is also collected in the amount of £3.00 for the entire year. 

School Application

Bank transfer details

account name: Polish Parents Association of Tadeusz Kosciuszko

Bank name: Lloyds Bank

Sort code: 308458

Account number: 63649060


ATTENTION! When making a transfer, please enter it carefullyfamily reference number, which the family receives in the fee e-mailPS0XXXX



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